Wednesday, August 5, 2015

There are possibilities of billions,they are still being born and some collapsing to begin again eventually.It takes 100million light years and more to see some conclusions,and some are this and more in size.We are witnessing events now,that have taken place, since man began,and more.There is life elsewhere,albeit basic,but its so many light years away, it is doubtful ,we will find an intelligence, developed to communicate with.Distances in space are so phenomenal,there has to be other avenues for traveling these.Light and therefor black matter comes to mind.Black matter is throughout the Universes.It seems logical, that this must be capable of traveling faster than the speed of light.Does it transmute,is it a catalyst,seemingly inactive within itself,a stability core,yet reacts with energies,but not with visible matter,intriguing stuff.This is one of the most powerful energies in the Universe,it affects galaxies thousands of light years across,and also is prevalent in every galaxy central to recreation and destruction.Yet remains quiescent in smaller pockets,unseen.Is this just one of many ,camouflaged,so well,we just cannot see?.

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